Here is a 10 question quiz focused on linear regression in R:

📈 Sharpen your linear regression skills with this 10 question R quiz! 📈

It will test abilities like:

– Fitting and inspecting models
– Assumptions and diagnostics
– Prediction and inference
– Regression basics and theory


Here is a 10 question quiz focused on linear regression in R:

📈 Sharpen your linear regression skills with this 10 question R quiz! 📈

It will test abilities like:

- Fitting and inspecting models
- Assumptions and diagnostics
- Prediction and inference
- Regression basics and theory

See if you can:

- Fit a regression model and interpret coefficients
- Check assumptions like linearity and errors
- Make predictions from a regression model
- Understand regression concepts like R-squared

Solidifying these skills will take your applied regression modeling to the next level!

1 / 10

In R, what is the main function used to fit a linear regression model?

2 / 10

What does the summary() function show for a regression model?

3 / 10

Which regression assumption involves the independence of observations?

4 / 10

What is the broom package used for with regression models?

5 / 10

How do you make predictions from a regression model saved as mod?

6 / 10

. Which plot is used to check the regression assumption of normally distributed errors?

7 / 10

What is the interpretation of a regression coefficient of 2.3?

8 / 10

What does it indicate if a model has an R-squared of 0.7?

9 / 10

How do you check for influential observations in a regression model?

10 / 10

. What is the main assumption that allows for inference in linear regression?

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