What is Data Science? Everything Beginners Must Know about it 2024

What is Data Science? Everything Beginners Must Know about it 2024
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In today’s world, data is generated at an unprecedented pace, and our ability to harness it is changing the way we live,
work, and even think. Data science, the interdisciplinary field that blends statistics, computer science, and domain-specific
knowledge, empowers us to extract insights from this vast ocean of data. As data science becomes increasingly essential
across various industries and sectors, there is a growing need for skilled professionals who can make sense of data and
transform it into actionable information. This book is designed to be your guide in this exciting and fast-evolving field.What is Data Science

What is data science?

So, you’ve heard the term “Data Science” floating around and you’re wondering, what exactly is it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Let’s break it down, shall we?

At its core, data science is a multidisciplinary field that’s all about digging deep into data to extract valuable information. Think of it like a treasure hunt! Instead of maps and shovels, data scientists use advanced analytics, scientific principles, and a range of skills from various disciplines like data

engineering, data mining, predictive analytics, machine learning, data visualization, statistics, and software programming. TechTarget sums it up as “the process of using advanced analytics to extract valuable information from data for business decision-making and strategic planning.”

Still puzzled? Let’s simplify it with five quick examples:

  1. Weather Forecasting: You know how you check your phone for the weather before heading out? Data science helps in predicting if it’s going to be sunny or rainy!
  2. Social Media Suggestions: Ever wonder why you get friend or follower recommendations on social platforms like Instagram or Twitter? Data science algorithms analyze your interactions and suggest new people you might want to connect with.
  3. Election Predictions: During election season, various organizations predict who’s likely to win. They use data from past elections, current polls, and many other variables to make these predictions.
  4. Healthcare: Let’s say you’re wearing a fitness tracker. Data science helps analyze the data from your device to give you insights on your heart rate, sleep quality, and more!
  5. Grocery Stores: Ever notice how some grocery stores seem to know just what discounts to offer you? That’s data science at work, analyzing shopping habits and optimizing store discounts to appeal to different customers.

When people ask “What makes data science special?”, it’s not just about having lots of data. The term ‘data science’ implies a systematic approach to understanding and interpreting data. The data is becoming increasingly complex, often in the form of text, images, and videos.

Plus, computers are now more than just tools; they’re becoming decision-makers, dealing with complex networks and relationships among data entities.

Brief historical context on the development of the field

Curious how data science got to where it is today? Its roots can be traced back to the early 1960s. Back then, the term “Data Science” was coined to help make sense of the large amounts of data being collected. But trust me, those ‘large amounts’ are a drop in the bucket compared to the ocean of data we have today!

Key pioneers like John W. Tukey predicted the impact of computing on data analysis way back in 1962. Fast forward to 2001, and William S.

Cleveland introduced “data science” as a discipline all its own. Nowadays, data science is like the Swiss Army knife for making sense of an ever-expanding digital world. Wikipedia provides an awesome timeline if you’re hungry for more details.

YearEvent in Evolution of Data Science
1962John Tukey describes the shift towards using computers for data analysis.
1974Peter Naur repeatedly uses the term “Data Science” in his book on computer methods.
1977The International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) is formed. Tukey advocates for exploratory data analysis.
1989The first workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases is organized.
1994Business Week covers the gathering of large amounts of personal data for marketing.
1999Jacob Zahavi highlights the need for tools to handle big data.
2001Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is created.
2001William S. Cleveland presents an action plan for expanding the field of Statistics.
2002The Data Science Journal is launched.
2004Google publishes a paper on MapReduce, a programming model for processing large datasets.
2006Hadoop, a non-relational database for big data, is released.
2008The term “data scientist” becomes popular.
2009The term NoSQL is reintroduced for non-relational databases.
2010The launch of Apache Spark, an open-source cluster computing framework.
2012Harvard University declares data scientist as the “sexiest job of the twenty-first century.”
2013IBM reports that 90% of the world’s data was created in the last two years.
2014The emergence of deep learning techniques for neural networks.
2015Google’s Deep Learning techniques improve speech recognition.
2015AI projects within Google increase significantly.
2016The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is introduced in the European Union.
2019The field of Data Science continues to grow, with increased demand for data scientists across various industries.
2020The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of data science in analyzing and predicting the spread of the virus.
2021Data Science continues to evolve and expand its influence in various fields.
What is Data Science

Hope that clears things up! So, are you ready to dive deeper?

the art of gaining and communicating insights from complex data through digital techniques.
Many quantitative scientists would argue that they do similar work, as they strive to learn from data and use digital tools
extensively. This overlap does not diminish the importance of data science; it simply indicates that many scientists must
also be data scientists to stay current in their fields. Rapid advancements in digital techniques, including machine learning,
are transforming many research areas.
Opinions on what data science exactly is can vary, often depending on the application area. In consulting and business,
data science might mean something different than in academia. However, most agree on a Venn diagram that is frequently
used to illustrate data science [Carmichael and Marron, 2018, Conway, 2010]: the intersection of Digital Techniques,
Statistics, and Domain Expertise

 The concurrent developments leading to Data Science1

2.2 A brief spotlight: the many facets of Data Science

Data science, by its very nature, stands at the bustling intersection of digital techniques, statistical methodologies, and
domain expertise. It is a broad and incredibly diverse field with intricate links to many different sectors and disciplines.
This diversity results in a wide variety of roles and responsibilities, each bringing unique skills and viewpoints to address
an array of challenges and opportunities.
One of the key characteristics that makes data science so dynamic is its inherent multidisciplinarity. Data science isn’t
just about dealing with numbers or coding—it’s about leveraging a suite of digital tools and statistical methods to draw
insights from data, and applying these insights to a specific context or domain. A data scientist working in healthcare, for
instance, might use different techniques and has a different focus than a data scientist working in retail or finance. The
beauty of data science lies in this versatility—it is a field where skills and disciplines converge and collaborate.What is Data Science
Given the breadth and depth of the field, being a successful data scientist requires much more than just technical skills.
A natural curiosity to explore and understand data, an openness to new ideas and methods, the eagerness to continuously
learn and adapt, and most crucially, the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively are all vital attributes. After
all, data science is a team sport. No single person can master all facets of data science; instead, it’s about bringing
diverse skills together, working with others, and learning from each other.
In the following pages, we will explore the multifaceted world of data science, its skills, and applications. We hope
to inspire you with the potential of data science and prepare you for a journey of continuous learning and discovery.
Welcome to the exciting world of data science!

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