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How to do DSUM Excel Function with AND Criteria?

by | Excel, software Tutorial | 0 comments

1. DSUM Function with AND Criteria is for where we want total Sales of Category Wise And Division wise Also. Means now I want Total Sales of Telephone But Division wise also.

2. Now in Database we have to put the Reference of Data From which list we want our final Results.  To Select List I will USE Shortcut Key ie First Click on the A1 Cell, Them “Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow+Right Arrow” you will see all data has been selected and in Small Window “A1:F59” comes. Now in Field Area only Press “F1” ie Total Sales. In Creteria Select H3 to I4 ie Division And Cetegory And North And Telephone. Then OK.

3. As we will do Ok. DSUM will Complete and Total Sales will come Infront of Telephone Division Wise ie for North.


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