Here is a 10 question quiz on logistic regression in R:

Master Logistic Regression Analysis in R!

This quiz will test your skills on:

– Fitting binary logistic models
– Interpreting coefficients

Quiz 9

Here is a 10 question quiz on logistic regression in R:

Master Logistic Regression Analysis in R!

This quiz will test your skills on:

- Fitting binary logistic models
- Interpreting coefficients
- Validation and diagnostics
- Probability and odds
- Making predictions

See if you can:

- Fit a logistic model and interpret the coefficients
- Calculate odds ratios from logistic coefficients
- Use statistical tests like z-values and Wald chi-square
- Validate model fit and assumptions
- Make probability predictions

Applying these skills will take your applied logistic regression to the next level!

1 / 10

. What is the main R function for fitting binary logistic regression models?

2 / 10

How would you interpret an odds ratio of 2.5 for a predictor?

3 / 10

What R function calculates predicted probabilities from a logistic model?

4 / 10

What logistic regression assumption involves the predictors being linearly related to the log odds?

5 / 10

How can you assess the predictive accuracy of a logistic model?

6 / 10

What is the interpretation of a significant positive coefficient in logistic regression?

7 / 10

Which R function calculates Wald chi-square values for logistic coefficients?

8 / 10

How would you validate the proportional odds assumption?

9 / 10

What is an advantage of logistic over linear regression?

10 / 10

What plot helps identify influential observations in logistic regression?

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