Test your R skills with this 10-minute quiz! ⏳

It will check abilities like:

– Tidying and cleaning data
– Data wrangling with dplyr
– Writing efficient R code
– Basic statistical analysis

Quiz 4

⏳ Test your R skills with this 10-minute quiz! ⏳

It will check abilities like:

- Tidying and cleaning data
- Data wrangling with dplyr
- Writing efficient R code
- Basic statistical analysis

See if you can:

- Transform messy data into tidy formats
- Subset and manipulate dataframes
- Use pipes and vectorization to streamline code
- Calculate basic descriptive statistics

Solidifying these intermediate concepts will level up your R data science skills!

1 / 10

If df is a dataframe, how do you select just the Name and Age columns?

2 / 10

What makes code more efficient in R?

3 / 10

What dplyr function filters rows of a dataframe by a logical condition?

4 / 10

. In the tidy data format, what is the convention for column names?

5 / 10

In R, what is a faster alternative to a for loop?

6 / 10

What R function changes the type of columns in a dataframe?

7 / 10

Which dplyr function arranges rows of a dataframe by a specific column?

8 / 10

What type of R plot shows the relationship between two continuous variables?

9 / 10

What are the steps in a typical tidyverse pipeline in R?

10 / 10

Which function generates summary statistics for each column of a dataframe?

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The average score is 75%
