Test your R skills with this 10 question intermediate quiz! ⭐️

It covers key abilities like:

– Building dataframes and matrices
– Data vis with ggplot2
– Writing functions
– Statistical modeling

Quiz 3

Beginner Level

⭐️ Test your R skills with this 10 question intermediate quiz! ⭐️

It covers key abilities like:

- Building dataframes and matrices
- Data vis with ggplot2
- Writing functions
- Statistical modeling

Take this quiz to check you can:

- Wrangle data into tidy formats
- Create plots for exploration
- Build models like regression
- Write reusable R functions

Brush up on intermediate concepts crucial for analytics and data science!

1 / 10

In R, what is the difference between a dataframe and a matrix?

2 / 10

. What ggplot2 layer controls the color of points on a scatterplot?

3 / 10

How do you write a function in R that prints the square of a number?

4 / 10

What R data structure is most similar to a Python dictionary?

5 / 10

. Which tidyverse package has functions like separate() to manipulate strings?

6 / 10

How do you create a histogram of the column var in dataframe df?

7 / 10

. What R command runs a linear regression model on y ~ x?

8 / 10

The merge() function in R joins dataframes based on which columns?

9 / 10

What type of R plot visualizes the density of a continuous variable?

10 / 10

Which function adds rows of data to an existing dataframe df?

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