Here is a 10 question quiz on data cleaning in R:

Test Your Data Cleaning Skills in R!

This quiz will cover:

– Identifying missing data
– Handling outliers

Quiz 12

Here is a 10 question quiz on data cleaning in R:

Test Your Data Cleaning Skills in R!

This quiz will cover:

- Identifying missing data
- Handling outliers
- Fixing inconsistencies
- Tidying and reshaping
- Checking data integrity

See if you can:

- Find missing values and impute them
- Detect and address outliers
- Fix formatting errors and typos
- Tidy messy data into a clean form
- Validate data quality checks

Mastering these skills will take your R data wrangling to the next level!

1 / 10

. What is the best way to find missing values in an R dataframe?

2 / 10

How could you impute missing numeric values with the median in R?

3 / 10

What is a good way to detect and handle outliers in R?

4 / 10

How might you fix inconsistently formatted data in R?

5 / 10

What package in R helps tidy messy data?

6 / 10

What step helps safeguard data quality after cleaning?

7 / 10

What might cause outliers in real-world data?

8 / 10

In R, what is a common cause of missing data?

9 / 10

What method handles both missing values and outliers?

10 / 10

When checking for data integrity, what might you verify?

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