Here is a 10 question quiz on data analysis using R:

Test Your Data Analysis Skills in R!

This quiz covers:

– Exploratory data analysis

Quiz 11

Here is a 10 question quiz on data analysis using R:

Test Your Data Analysis Skills in R!

This quiz covers:

- Exploratory data analysis
- Data wrangling
- Visualization
- Modeling
- Interpretation

See if you can:

- Import, clean, and tidy data
- Transform and subset data frames
- Create meaningful data visualizations
- Build, validate, and interpret models
- Draw insights from statistical analysis

Mastering these applied skills is key for doing impactful data analysis in R!

1 / 10

What is the first step in the data analysis process?

2 / 10

. In R, how do you handle missing values before analysis?

3 / 10

What type of plot shows trends over time?

4 / 10

How do you split data into training/test sets for modeling in R?

5 / 10

What is cross-validation used for in data analysis?

6 / 10

What might you do if a model shows evidence of overfitting?

7 / 10

What is principal component analysis (PCA) used for?

8 / 10

How do you check model assumptions in R?

9 / 10

What is the final step of the data analysis process?

10 / 10

Which tidyverse library contains the broom package?

Your score is

The average score is 90%
