This fun quiz is the perfect way for R beginners to gauge their skills in a flash! Whether you’re prepping for an interview or just started learning R, it will quickly assess if you’ve got the basics down from data types to installing packages. Complete it to see if you can:

– Master the fundamentals like R’s environment, vectors, and functions
– Import, analyze, and summarize data using key R abilities
– Write basic R code the right way with proper syntax and comments

Take this short 10 question quiz to gain confidence in core R skills for data science and analytics!


Quiz 1

Beginner Level

This fun quiz is the perfect way for R beginners to gauge their skills in a flash! Whether you're prepping for an interview or just started learning R, it will quickly assess if you've got the basics down from data types to installing packages. Complete it to see if you can:

- Master the fundamentals like R's environment, vectors, and functions
- Import, analyze, and summarize data using key R abilities
- Write basic R code the right way with proper syntax and comments

Take this short 10 question quiz to gain confidence in core R skills for data science and analytics!

1 / 10

What is R?

2 / 10

What is the default environment in R called?

3 / 10

What is the correct way to assign the value 5 to the variable x in R?

4 / 10

What is the class of the object c(1,2,3)?

5 / 10

What function is used to install packages in R?

6 / 10

Which of the following is used to comment your R code?

7 / 10

What does the R function c() do?

8 / 10

Which function is used to read data from a file into R?

9 / 10

What is the data type of TRUE in R?

10 / 10

How do you calculate the mean of a numeric vector called x in R?

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