🤓 Level Up Your R Skills with this 10 Question Quiz! ✅

If you’ve got the R basics down, it’s time to take the next step on your R learning quest! This multiple choice quiz will test your skills with:

❓ Dataframes, matrices, and other data structures
📈 Visualizing and plotting data
💡 Writing functions to automate work
🗂️ Managing and manipulating data
📊 Statistical tests and modeling

These intermediate R abilities will give you the power to wrangle, analyze, and gain insights from data like a pro!

Quiz 2

Beginner Level

🤓 Level Up Your R Skills with this 10 Question Quiz! ✅

If you've got the R basics down, it's time to take the next step on your R learning quest! This multiple choice quiz will test your skills with:

❓ Dataframes, matrices, and other data structures
📈 Visualizing and plotting data
💡 Writing functions to automate work
🗂️ Managing and manipulating data
📊 Statistical tests and modeling

These intermediate R abilities will give you the power to wrangle, analyze, and gain insights from data like a pro!

🧠 Learn if you can:

- 👷‍♀️ Build key data structures like dataframes from scratch
- 📊 Create stunning data visualizations like scatterplots
- ⚙️ Write your own custom functions in R
- 📈 Fit models and run stats tests like regression
- 🗄️ Efficiently manage bigger data sets

🎓 Acing this quiz means your R skills are reaching the next level - ready to take on real-world data challenges!

Here are the questions for the intermediate R quiz:

1 / 10

Which R data structure can hold different types of data like numbers, characters, and logical values?

2 / 10

. What is the main function in R used to create scatterplots?

3 / 10

How do you write a function called my_fun in R that prints "Hello World!"?

4 / 10

If df is a dataframe, which function reshapes it from wide to long format?

5 / 10

Which R function performs a t-test statistical analysis?

6 / 10

What R function builds a linear regression model?

7 / 10

How do you install a package in R called "tidyverse"?

8 / 10

If you have a dataframe df with a column called Price, how do you filter for rows with Price greater than 100?

9 / 10

In R, what is the equivalent of a for loop in other languages?

10 / 10

. Which visualization is best for examining the distribution of a single numerical variable?

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